£117M+ Raised by Luminance, GaN Devices, Nodes & Links, SAID Autonomy, Level Zero Health, Nothreat, Alfa AI and More
Loosely defined, looking at industrial robotics, drones, autonomous vehicles, care-robots, and foot manufacturing - no humanoids (yet!)
Trends in robotics moving the industry forward, fast.
How wind-assist tech like flettner rotos and fixed sails can reduce fuel consumption for ships - and why the UK and EU are well-positioned to innovate.
£190M Raised by Arcube, Salience Labs, Noxus, Latent Labs, Revving...
What will people be when we are not what we do?
Founders need office space & affordable housing to build Unicorns in Oxford. Sadly, I think the site will be turned into another hotel.
The robots are coming. Lets make sure they know how to make tea.
From Seedcamp to Atomico: Meet the UK’s Most Active VCs Backing the Next Unicorns
Fast start to 2025 for RoboK, Owlstone Medical, Origen, Zelt, Olas, and Modern Synthesis
Zombie Funds, Falling Numbers, Talent: the Truth About European VC
£44M raised by IONATE, OXcan, Fimple, Circularity Fuels, Astral Systems, Semeris.