£200M+ Raised by Quantexa, Trimtech, Epoch Biodesign, Bourn, Ocean Ledger and More
Narratives on the ecosystem are outdated, even if there is more work to be done.
From humanoid robots to surgical AI and autonomous vehicles, the UK’s top universities are fueling a robotics revolution - the UK's venture flywheel is only just getting started
£50M+ Raised by Relay, Napo, Ignota Labs, Wilson AI, Atria AI, Prorizon, and More
From my series on unlocking the UK's venture flywheel - number 3, private funding.
From my series on unlocking the UK's venture flywheel - number 2, labels matter.
Humanoids, industrial robots, autonomous vehicles, and surgical robotics - Cambridge’s ecosystem is creating leaders in the robotics industry
From my series on unlocking the UK's venture flywheel - number 1, build railways.
£117M+ Raised by Luminance, GaN Devices, Nodes & Links, SAID Autonomy, Level Zero Health, Nothreat, Alfa AI and More
Loosely defined, looking at industrial robotics, drones, autonomous vehicles, care-robots, and foot manufacturing - no humanoids (yet!)
Trends in robotics moving the industry forward, fast.
How wind-assist tech like flettner rotos and fixed sails can reduce fuel consumption for ships - and why the UK and EU are well-positioned to innovate.