£190M Raised by Arcube, Salience Labs, Noxus, Latent Labs, Revving...
What will people be when we are not what we do?
Founders need office space & affordable housing to build Unicorns in Oxford. Sadly, I think the site will be turned into another hotel.
The robots are coming. Lets make sure they know how to make tea.
From Seedcamp to Atomico: Meet the UK’s Most Active VCs Backing the Next Unicorns
Fast start to 2025 for RoboK, Owlstone Medical, Origen, Zelt, Olas, and Modern Synthesis
Zombie Funds, Falling Numbers, Talent: the Truth About European VC
£44M raised by IONATE, OXcan, Fimple, Circularity Fuels, Astral Systems, Semeris.
The Chip Chase: Is the UK Ready to Play in the Semiconductor Big Leagues?
Who are the next generation of venture capitalists and ecosystem enablers backing founders in Cambridge?
The UK’s AI Action Plan is packed with ambition—but can it deliver where Europe has struggled before?
Female-led startups generate higher revenue per dollar invested, exit faster, and burn less cash than male-led counterparts.